Swimming Lessons | SplashFit.org | Learn to Swim
Our Learn to Swim program is built and designed with one goal in mind, teaching you how to swim!...
2, 4 or 6 Beat Kick, Bilateral Breathing, Body Position, Body Rotation (=Body Roll), Bow Wave, Catch, Catch Up Drill, CSS, Dolphin Kick, Drafting, Drag, Drills, Economy (=efficiency), Extension, Feel For The Water, Fly (abv. of butterfly), Freestyle (abv. Free) (UK: front-crawl), Front Quadrant, Glide, Hypoxic, Ironman, Kick Board, Long Course, Medley (Individual Medley - IM), Olympic Distance Triathlon, Open Water (abv. OW), Pace Clock, Paddles, Plantar and Dorsi Flexion, Posture, Propulsion, PT Paddles, Pull, Pull buoy, Push, Push turn, Recovery, Rotary (freestyle), S Shaped Pull, Scissor Kick, Short Course, Sighting, Standard Distance Triathlon, Streamline, Stroke Length, Stroke Rate, Taper, Technique, Threshold (Lactate), Time Trial (abv. TT), Torpedo Push Off, Triathlon, Tumble (turn) (also known as flip turn), Unilateral (breathing), Wetronome, Splash Fit Swimming, Splash, Fit, Swimming, Splash Fit, Fit Swimming, Aquatics, Swimming Lessons
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|Ages 5+|
Our Learn to Swim program is built and designed with one goal in mind, teaching you how to swim! It’s important that each and every participant learns at their pace but with specific goals set, they can reach their greatest potential. Our skill level ladder is the best way to determine if the participant needs more practice or if they’re ready for the next challenge of skill sets, showing progress every step of the way. We take a much more serious approach towards safety and learning skill objectives with our straight to the point classes of drill sets and repetition.
|Comfort Stage|
Ensuring the student is comfortable before moving on to the next level is important, this is our aquatic exploration level. All objectives are practiced in short lengths of 5 Yards and shallow water.
Prerequisites: No skills are needed to enroll into this class.
Objectives |
Face Submersion
Assisted Front Kicks
Assisted Back Float
Sitting Entry
|Intro Stroke Skills|
Designed to increase the student’s proficiency in performing skills already obtained. This is accomplished by providing additional guided practice and an increase in distance and water depth.
Prerequisites: The student should be proficient in ALL objectives in Level I and be prepared to complete the next objectives in longer distances of 5-8 Yards and a deeper depth.
Objectives |
Front Glide Torpedo
Torpedo Kicks
Assisted Freestyle
Unassisted Back Float
Assisted Back Kicks
Feet First Entry
|Basic Stroke Skills|
Our last level in Learn to Swim is designed to increase the participant’s proficiency in performing skills already obtained. This is accomplished by providing additional guided practice and an increase in distance and water depth.
Prerequisites: The student should be proficient in ALL objectives from Level II and be prepared to complete these objectives in longer distances of 10-15 Yards and a deeper depth.
Objectives |
Streamline Glide
Streamline Kicks
Unassisted Freestyle |
Unassisted Back Kicks |
Streamline Entry/Recovery |
At the completion of LTS, participants have a much higher comfort level and awareness while in the water. They’ve become forward progression swimmers while being familiar with Freestyle and have an exposure to deep water. After successfully demonstrating the course objectives of LTSIII, we highly recommend enrolling the participant into our Team Prep levels.