Swimming Lessons | SplashFit.org | Certifications
Splash Fit Swimming was founded by a group of aquatic instructors in Harlem teaching minority communities basic swimming skills and water safety awareness.
2, 4 or 6 Beat Kick, Bilateral Breathing, Body Position, Body Rotation (=Body Roll), Bow Wave, Catch, Catch Up Drill, CSS, Dolphin Kick, Drafting, Drag, Drills, Economy (=efficiency), Extension, Feel For The Water, Fly (abv. of butterfly), Freestyle (abv. Free) (UK: front-crawl), Front Quadrant, Glide, Hypoxic, Ironman, Kick Board, Long Course, Medley (Individual Medley - IM), Olympic Distance Triathlon, Open Water (abv. OW), Pace Clock, Paddles, Plantar and Dorsi Flexion, Posture, Propulsion, PT Paddles, Pull, Pull buoy, Push, Push turn, Recovery, Rotary (freestyle), S Shaped Pull, Scissor Kick, Short Course, Sighting, Standard Distance Triathlon, Streamline, Stroke Length, Stroke Rate, Taper, Technique, Threshold (Lactate), Time Trial (abv. TT), Torpedo Push Off, Triathlon, Tumble (turn) (also known as flip turn), Unilateral (breathing), Wetronome, Splash Fit Swimming, Splash, Fit, Swimming, Splash Fit, Fit Swimming, Aquatics, Swimming Lessons, Competitive Swimming, Adult Swimming Classes, Swimming NYC, Swim NYC, Swim Jim, Bearcat Masters, NYC Hydras Masters, Athletic and Swim Club, Red Tide Masters, Asphalt Green, Swimming New York City
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CPR/AED/First Aid

Gain certification to respond to emergencies involving victims of any age (pediatric: ages birth – 12 years, and adults: ages 12+). The American Red Cross curriculum is research-based, preparing you for first aid emergencies (burns, scrapes, sudden illness, cuts, head, neck, back injuries, heat and cold emergencies) and breathing and cardiac emergencies. The price of this course includes Red Cross registration fees.

 Course Fee: $100

Lifeguard Certification

Become employable as a certified American Red Cross Lifeguard. Learn through classroom instruction and hands-on experience in the water and on land how to prevent and respond to aquatic emergencies including breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses. This course includes a CPR/AED/First Aid component which does not need to be taken separately. The price of this course includes Red Cross registration fees.

Course Fee: $400

Minimum age: 15 years
Swim 300 yards continuously
Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs
Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds by starting in the water; swimming 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object; return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point; exit the water without using steps or a ladder

Certification valid: 2 years

Lifeguard Re-Certification

Every 2 years, lifeguards must renew their certification. This course serves as an abbreviated refresher on information and  hands-on skill in the water and on land. Participants must have current certification to participate in the review course. The price of this course includes Red Cross registration fees.

Certification valid: 2 years

CPR/AED/First Aid

The Adult CPR/AED course incorporates the latest science and teaches students to recognize and care for a variety of first aid emergencies how to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies to help victims of adults (about 12 years and older). Students who successfully complete this course will receive a certificate for Adult CPR/AED valid for two years. Certified Lifeguards in New York are required to complete this course one year after their initial certification. Professional-level rescuers will gain updated training to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies until more advanced medical personnel  take over.  The price of this course includes Red Cross registration fees.

Safety Training for Swim Coaches

This course helps to fulfill the Coaches Safety Education requirement for USA Swimming with a 2 year certification. This course includes both an online portion and an in-water skills session.

Must be at least 15 years of age by the end of the course
Must be comfortable in chest-deep water

The Safety Training for Swim Coaches course offers up-to-date content on safe sport policies, emergency planning and first aid, maintaining a comfortable and safe environment for swimmers and preventing accidents and emergencies and responding to ill or injured swimmers in water or on land.

Course Fee: Contact Us

Please contact us for all rates and availability.