Swimming Lessons | SplashFit.org | Pricing
Splash Fit Swimming was founded by a group of aquatic instructors in Harlem teaching minority communities basic swimming skills and water safety awareness.
2, 4 or 6 Beat Kick, Bilateral Breathing, Body Position, Body Rotation (=Body Roll), Bow Wave, Catch, Catch Up Drill, CSS, Dolphin Kick, Drafting, Drag, Drills, Economy (=efficiency), Extension, Feel For The Water, Fly (abv. of butterfly), Freestyle (abv. Free) (UK: front-crawl), Front Quadrant, Glide, Hypoxic, Ironman, Kick Board, Long Course, Medley (Individual Medley - IM), Olympic Distance Triathlon, Open Water (abv. OW), Pace Clock, Paddles, Plantar and Dorsi Flexion, Posture, Propulsion, PT Paddles, Pull, Pull buoy, Push, Push turn, Recovery, Rotary (freestyle), S Shaped Pull, Scissor Kick, Short Course, Sighting, Standard Distance Triathlon, Streamline, Stroke Length, Stroke Rate, Taper, Technique, Threshold (Lactate), Time Trial (abv. TT), Torpedo Push Off, Triathlon, Tumble (turn) (also known as flip turn), Unilateral (breathing), Wetronome, Splash Fit Swimming, Splash, Fit, Swimming, Splash Fit, Fit Swimming, Aquatics, Swimming Lessons, Competitive Swimming, Adult Swimming Classes, Swimming NYC, Swim NYC, Swim Jim, Bearcat Masters, NYC Hydras Masters, Athletic and Swim Club, Red Tide Masters, Asphalt Green, Swimming New York City
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Tuition/Enrollment Fees

Our mulitple locations provide a wide variety of classes, trainings, lessons, practices and certification courses.


Navigate the menu bar and select the preferred location under registration to view pricing.


Due to high demand and an extensive waiting list, payments must be submitted prior to start date in order to lock in the student’s spot.

When can I sign up for lessons?



A $35.00, annual, non-refundable registration fee is due at sign-up. This fee will cover all administrative changes required to a family’s account for 12 months. All new students receive a swim cap prior to their first class. If you enter the program in November or December, your registration fee will roll over for the following calendar year.


Monthly Registration


Tuition is billed monthly and is based on the calendar month. The prices are adjusted to reflect how many lessons your student receives when there are extra weeks or holidays in the month, as shown below.


Tuition per lesson

Monthly: $48 – 30 min class
Monthly: $68 – 60 min class | Only available in INT, ADV, & Adult Levels
Private: $95 – 30 min class


Please note: Tuition is adjusted and pre-paid on a monthly basis. Payments will be withdrawn from your autopay account on the 1st of every month.


Understanding Price Adjustments

Example: Milbank Location

Price of lesson x # of scheduled lessons in the month = monthly cost

Students enrolled in our program attend the same class and day every week. Based on this calendar example, students enrolled in:


  • Monday classes will pay a tuition of $192.00 for 4 classes
  • Wednesday classes will pay a tuition of $240.00 for 5 classes
  • Saturday classes will pay a tuition of $144.00 for 3 classes due to a holiday closure from the 24th to the 27th


All enrollments receive 1 makeup token a month after an absence request is submitted through the App or Member Portal. Medical certificates are required if the time condition cannot be met, and makeup lessons must be used within each calendar year. Makeup tokens are neither refundable nor transferable, a make-up lesson can only be booked once. A missed make-up lesson is forfeited.

How do I register for lessons?

All first time members must: PRE-REGISTER HERE


Contact us if you’re unsure of what level to choose for yourself/or child. A coach will connect with you within 2-3 days to discuss and confirm availability based on the student’s needs and experience.


Once registered, create an account in our Login/Class Portal where credit/debit card information is required to allow access to request enrollment. You’ll have access to attendance records, skill evaluations, class transfer requests, makeup tokens and upcoming class schedules for the next semester.

How do I pay for lessons?

Once an account is created in our portal, a card must be saved to our autopay system. First month and classes remaining in the calendar month are due up front for the enrollment. Monthly enrollment tuition will be withdrawn on the 1st of every month after the initial enrollment payment. Tuition for lessons is charged by monthly automatic payments. Holidays and pool closures are credited to accounts accordingly.


Members can cancel their classes at any time as long as they submit a drop request by contacting our team prior to the last day of the month. There are no refunds for classes still remaining during an active month. Makeup tokens can be issued for medical reasons as long as a Doctor’s note is provided.


We have a no-refund policy but allow students and families to receive credits on their accounts. A student or family can cancel their classes at any point in time and will be credited for the remaining lessons they will not be attending. All credits placed on family accounts must be used within a year of the issued date and can be passed on to other students.


There will be a $30 fee charged for declined credit cards.

Why do you charge in advance?

Your payment reserves your enrollment with Splash Fit Swim Club and ensures that the student has a spot in their class.


Due to high demand and an extensive waiting list, payments must be submitted prior to start date in order to lock in the student’s spot.