Swimming Lessons | SplashFit.org | Policies & Guidelines
Splash Fit Swimming was founded by a group of aquatic instructors in Harlem teaching minority communities basic swimming skills and water safety awareness.
2, 4 or 6 Beat Kick, Bilateral Breathing, Body Position, Body Rotation (=Body Roll), Bow Wave, Catch, Catch Up Drill, CSS, Dolphin Kick, Drafting, Drag, Drills, Economy (=efficiency), Extension, Feel For The Water, Fly (abv. of butterfly), Freestyle (abv. Free) (UK: front-crawl), Front Quadrant, Glide, Hypoxic, Ironman, Kick Board, Long Course, Medley (Individual Medley - IM), Olympic Distance Triathlon, Open Water (abv. OW), Pace Clock, Paddles, Plantar and Dorsi Flexion, Posture, Propulsion, PT Paddles, Pull, Pull buoy, Push, Push turn, Recovery, Rotary (freestyle), S Shaped Pull, Scissor Kick, Short Course, Sighting, Standard Distance Triathlon, Streamline, Stroke Length, Stroke Rate, Taper, Technique, Threshold (Lactate), Time Trial (abv. TT), Torpedo Push Off, Triathlon, Tumble (turn) (also known as flip turn), Unilateral (breathing), Wetronome, Splash Fit Swimming, Splash, Fit, Swimming, Splash Fit, Fit Swimming, Aquatics, Swimming Lessons, Competitive Swimming, Adult Swimming Classes, Swimming NYC, Swim NYC, Swim Jim, Bearcat Masters, NYC Hydras Masters, Athletic and Swim Club, Red Tide Masters, Asphalt Green, Swimming New York City
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Policies & Guidelines

Participant Health History

Participants with any health issues should see a physician before beginning any kind of physical activity. Please inform us of any current or former health issues or learning disabilities that the applicant feels would hinder his/her ability to learn or of any physical complications that can create obstacles during the student’s learning experience.

As the Parent/Guardian

Children ages 17 & under are not allowed to be left alone in any facility where classes are being held. It’s extremely crucial that you are always present. Instructors/coaches are professionals who have been teaching for years; therefore, distracting instructors/coaches during a class is unacceptable. It is imperative that you do not compare your child’s ability to progress to that of any other child participating in his/her class. The participant should be focused and fully prepared to learn. Children learn at their own pace and criticizing them in any aspect would be severely demoralizing towards their confidence and development. If you have any questions or concerns, please present them either before or after class, time permitting.

Facility Rules

It is important that we respect all facility rules when in attendance to ensure the safety of our children and ourselves. Please be sure to take note of each facility’s specific rules and share them with your children and whoever accompanies them to their lessons. Shoes aren’t allowed on any pool deck. All participants must change in designated locker rooms; deck changing is not permitted under any circumstances.

Makeup Policies

It is important that the classes you acquire fit your schedule. Missing too many classes or constantly arriving late can impact progress, disturb continuity and cause the student to fall behind. Whether the student makes it to class or not, instructors are still present. Contact us if you feel you may cancel class for any reason at least 24 hours ahead. Requesting a future absence is required in order to receive a makeup token on our portal, to view how to request an absence, CLICK HERE


All members can redeem up to 1 makeup token a month| An “Absence Request” must be submitted through The Splash Fit App or Member Portal at least 24 hours prior to the missed class.

Cancelations on our behalf

If any cancelations occur for any reason on our behalf, a makeup class is granted at absolutely no cost to you. In the event that our cancelation is immediate due to either an instructor/coach’s absence or a facility/maintenance issue, we will give our best efforts to contact you via phone, email and text message as soon as possible. Please be reasonable in understanding that cancelations may occur moments prior to your scheduled class.


There are no classes held on official national holidays. If you are uncertain about any program closures please contact us.

Privacy Policy

Your data will not be sold to any 3rd parties and access shall remain only to Splash Fit Swim Club.